Friday, April 24, 2009

Arkansas Strawberry Dessert

So, sticking with the food theme, here is the recipe for a TOP SECRET dessert passed down for generations in my family. Giving this away could be considered a crime ;)

An Awesome Recipe for 4th of July

What Y'all Need

  • Strawberries, and lots of them
  • Graham Crackers ( The cinnamon ones taste best but anyone will work )
  • Whipped cream IN A CAN ( y'all will find out later... I really should stop with the y'all s)
  • Sugar

Lets Do This!

Now first things first, slice all the strawberries into like eighth inch slithers. If you have one of those egg slicers this will definitely go a lot faster.

Next, line a big bowl with a layer of strawberries. Sprinkle a little sugar over them to sweeten them up a bit.

Next, lay down a layer of Whipped cream on top. Now this is important, every time you lay down a layer of whipped cream, you MUST spray some directly into your mouth as well. Don't ask me why, but it just doesn't taste the same if you don't :)

After the whipped cream, crack the graham crackers into those segment thingamajigs and lay down a layer of those like you're laying bricks.

Again, put down another layer of whipped cream ( don't forget the important part) and start the whole process all over again.

Once you get to the top of the bowl, make your last layer of whipped cream and then get some graham cracker crumbs and sprinkle it on top. Then put some strawberries on to perrty it up a bit.


Cover the bowl with cling wrap and shove it in the refrigerator overnight. The soggier it gets, the better it tastes!

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